martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

A Feast of Sorrows - Angela Slatter

Esta colección me recuerda a La cámara sangrienta de Angela Carter porque está compuesta de cuentos de hadas oscuros y originales con un giro feminista (incluso algunas versiones de cuentos conocidos). El estilo de escritura es hermoso y muy poético.
La mayoría de las historias no me convencieron, pero haber leído este libro hizo que descubriera una nueva autora y que me interesara en leer más de su trabajo por la belleza de la escritura. Además, este libro tiene algunos de los títulos más lindos que leí en mi vida.
Mis favoritos fueron:

Dresses, Three. Su madre es una modista que es vendida y revendida entre mujeres ricas para que haga vestidos para ellas. Por ese motivo viajan mucho y no tienen un lugar al que puedan llamar hogar.
La venden una vez más a una familia adinerada y, en ese castillo, una gobernanta le enseña al  niño a leer.
A Cerridwen le encargan que cree tres vestidos muy especiales para la temporada. Dichos vestidos va a usarlos la misma edad que ella: 17 años. Aurora, la joven, le ofrece hacer un trato: si cumple exactamente con lo que se le pide, la liberará a ella y a su hijo y se asegurará de que nunca les falte nada y que no tengan que trabajar nunca más en sus vidas.
Primer vestido: plumas de pavo real.
Segundo vestido: alas de mariposa.
Tercer vestido: palabras.
Cerridwen no necesita hacer bosquejos, tomar notas o medidas porque cobran forma en su mente. Todos los vestidos parecen estar vivos porque ella es una bruja, y se debilita tras cada vestido.

The Badger Bride. Gytha es una copista a quien se le ha encargado trabajar en un libro sin título ni autor. Más extraño aún es que se le niegue conocer la identidad del cliente, y la entrega es urgente.
Cuando se pone a trabajar en el libro, la tinta parece esfumarse al mirarla y, aunque el texto no tiene sentido alguno, Gytha lee un fragmento en voz alta. Más tarde la distrae un tejón perdido en la nieve congelada y decide salir corriendo para ayudarlo. Luego de ese episodio las cosas se empiezan a poner cada vez más raras.


5 estrellas:
Dresses, Three.
- The Badger Bride.

4 estrellas:
- The Jacaranda Wife.

3,5 estrellas:
- Sourdough. True love vs. evil, polygamy, revenge.
- St. Dympha's School for Poison Girls. Erl-King retelling.

3 estrellas:
- Bluebeard's Daughter. Retelling of Blubeard mixed with Snow White.
- Sister, Sister. Witches, betrayal  revenge.
- The Tallow-Wife. Tragicomedy; family crisis.
- What Shines Brightest Burn Most Fiercely. Continuation of The Tallow-Wife with a different set of characters.
- Bearskin. A spinoff on The Tallow-Wife.

2,5 estrellas:
- Light As Mist, Heavy As Hope. Rumpelstiltskin retelling.

2 estrellas:
- The Coffin-Maker's Daughter. Death and desire.
- By the Weeping Gate. The plain and least beautiful sister is the one in charge of saving the day.
- By My Voice I Shall Be Known. Illiteracy, cheating and revenge.

Estrellas: 3 de 5 
Idioma original: inglés 
Idioma de lectura: inglés
Editorial: Diamond Book Distributors 
Edición: ebook (proporcionado por Netgalley a cambio de una reseña honesta)
This collection reminds me a lot of The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter, it containing a series of interesting and original dark fairytales -some retellings)-with a feminist twist. The writing is beautiful and very poetic.
The majority of the stories didn't quite convince me, but this read definitely helped me discover a new author whose work I'm looking forward to continue reading because of the magnificent writing style, tone and pace. Also, this book contains some of the most beautiful story titles I've ever read.
My favorites were:

Dresses, Three. His mother is a seamstress and she was sold and resold amongst rich women to make dresses for them. Therefore, they both travel a lot and don't have an actual place to call home.
She is once again sold to a wealthy family and, in their castle, a governess teaches the boy to read.
Cerridwen is asked to create three very special dresses for the season, which will be work by a girl who is 17, just like her. She offers Aurora to make a deal: if she delivers exactly what she is being asked, Aurora will free her and make sure she and her son never have to work ever again.
First dress: peacock feathers.
Second dress: butterfly wings.
Third dress: words.
Cerridwen doesn't need to sketch, take notes or measurements. It all takes shape in her mind, and they all end up looking alive because she is a witch and is weakened after each dress.

The Badger Bride. Gytha is a copyist and she has been commanded to work on an untitled, anonymous book. What makes the whole situation even stranger is the fact that the client's identity is undisclosed and the deadline is urgent.
When she gets working on the book the ink seems to fade away upon sight and, although the text makes no sense, she reads a fragment aloud. Later she gets distracted by the sight of a badger in the freezing snow and she runs to him and then things start to get even weirder from then on.


5 stars:
Dresses, Three.
- The Badger Bride.

4 stars:
- The Jacaranda Wife.

3,5 stars:
- Sourdough. True love vs. evil, polygamy, revenge.
- St. Dympha's School for Poison Girls. Erl-King retelling.

3 stars:
- Bluebeard's Daughter. Retelling of Blubeard mixed with Snow White.
- Sister, Sister. Witches, betrayal  revenge.
- The Tallow-Wife. Tragicomedy; family crisis.
- What Shines Brightest Burn Most Fiercely. Continuation of The Tallow-Wife with a different set of characters.
- Bearskin. A spinoff on The Tallow-Wife.

2,5 stars:
- Light As Mist, Heavy As Hope. Rumpelstiltskin retelling.

2 stars:
- The Coffin-Maker's Daughter. Death and desire.
- By the Weeping Gate. The plain and least beautiful sister is the one in charge of saving the day.
- By My Voice I Shall Be Known. Illiteracy, cheating and revenge.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Original language: English
Language read: English 
Publisher: Diamond Book Distributors 
Edition: ebook (provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review)


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