martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Don’t Wait Til I Die To Love Me by Michael Tavon

Being a long-time Nirvana fan, when I saw that the first poem was called Come As You Are, I knew I was going to enjoy this ride.  

While reading most poems, it felt like I was reading my own thoughts and feelings —both past and current— put into words, and I am sure anyone can find themselves represented in this poetry collection, because it touches on a myriad of relatable themes most of us have experienced at least once.

If you’ve ever felt you were drowning in the loneliness and numbness anxiety causes after a loss of any kind —be it death, a broken heart, or distancing because of hurt, anger or pride,— then you will feel you are not alone while reading these poems.

Michael shows us that, after having sailed through a storm, we learn to make the most of our time here, to let go of what is sinking us —without looking back and moving forward,— so we can get back on our feet after having learned important lessons from lived experiences and past mistakes.

I appreciate the author having chosen to make themes and moods go up and down, back and forth, because that’s how our minds and souls actually move: like an unpredictable roller coaster. But hopefully, we’ll be able to keep the good memories, grow stronger and develop self-love, so we can shine our brightest light on the world.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Original language: English
Language read: English 
Publisher: Independent
Edition: E-ARC provided by the author.


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